City Launches DRC and Site Plan Requirements Review Process

Lucia Panica updates CCNA Members on DRC Process Review at their April 6, 2024 Meeting

Lucia Panica, Development Services Director, announced at the CCNA Member Meeting on April 6, 2024, that as part of the Strategic Plan project they will be looking into the DRC process and Site Plan Requirements.  “We are going to seek stakeholder input.”  Lucia updated CCNA President Richard Harris on May 3rd.  “We are in the process of creating the stakeholder list to start the public outreach.  This is moving slower than anticipated but it will gain speed soon.”

Highlights from presentation:

Goal Areas:

  • A City modeling responsive government.
  • A City exhibiting the values of a caring community.
  • A City providing a climate maximizing the opportunity for success.

Impact:  There may be a potential impact on the general fund if

there are technological improvements that are recommended.

Timeline:  One year

Justification: This process has not been thoroughly reviewed in 12 years. Most of the Development Review staff were not involved with that process and with technological advances now would be the appropriate time to review this again. This project could result in a streamlined process that the public and staff agree upon and improve the way projects are reviewed.

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