Meetings Archive

The Meetings Archive lists past meetings by date.  Each identifies the guest speakers and their topics.  Where available most have the Agenda, Minutes, a Video Recording, and a copy of the presentation slides.

Rich Collins

November 5, 2022:  

Committee Reports (Neighborhood Speeding Pilot, Mandatory Affordable Housing, Meaningful Neighborhood Input), Penny Tax, Emergency Services, Hurricane IAN CleanupEngineering Design Criteria Manual (SurveyAgenda / Minutes

MarlonBrown (2)

September 10, 2022:  

Video Recording  Status of Meaningful Neighborhood Input and Kickoff to Mitigate Neighborhood SpeedingComp Plan Discussion (slides)  Agenda / Minutes

June 4, 2022:   

VEO Bike & Scooter Share / Meaningful Neighborhood Input   Agenda / Minutes

Steve Cover

April 4, 2022:

Missing Middle (slides)   Agenda / Minutes


March 5, 2022

Mote Marine Red Tide Solution     Agenda  /  Minutes


February 5, 2022:  

Virtual Meeting   Bay Project Update    Agenda / Minutes


January 8, 2022

Virtual Meeting:   Mayor Arroyo vision     Agenda  /  Minutes


December 4, 2021:  

Virtual Meeting:  Rank Choice Voting    Agenda / Minutes


November 6, 2021:  

Virtual Meeting:  City ADA Update    AgendaMinutes


September 11, 2021: 

Virtual Meeting:  Click to Fix   AgendaMinutes


June 5, 2021:

Virtual Meeting:  Police Body Camera Update    Agenda / Minutes

May 1, 2021

Virtual Meeting:   Drainage Gulfstream     Agenda / Minutes


April 3, 2021:  

Virtual Meeting   Hotel Houses / Mayor Brody   Agenda / Minutes


March 6, 2021

Virtual Meeting:  Urban Forestry Program   Agenda / Minutes

30 year

January 9, 2021:  

Virtual Meeting (audio only), CCNA’s 30th Anniversary   State of the City – Jen Ahern-Koch   Agenda / Minutes


December 5, 2020

Virtual Meeting:   Gulfstream Roundabout Traffic Management   FDOT Presentation   FDOT Project Webpage   Assistant City Manager Response to Neighborhood Issues and Update to live-work housing proposal at 4644 N. Tamiami Trail.    ArtSpace ITN Response Nov. 16, 2020   CCNA’s Letter of Support

November 7, 2020:  

Virtual Meeting Not Available   Agenda /


December 5, 2020

Virtual Meeting:   Accessory Dwelling Units

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