Profile Update and Dues Payments

2024 CCNA Membership dues are $60.      Renewal Due Date: 1/15/2024

Associations are encouraged to make a Contributory Donation, if possible, to:

  • offset increasing CCNA expenses,
  • provide small Dues grants to any association that cannot meet our annual Dues.

Dues are set by a vote of the membership.  If any association shall fail to file the annual Membership Form and support documents or pay any assessed dues by the due date, the right of the delegate (Association) to vote shall be suspended until the report is filed and the dues are paid.   If the member association remains delinquent past March 15, 2024, membership shall be suspended by the Treasurer.   Any questions can be directed to Treasurer, Carl Shoffstall

Be sure and update your website, Facebook or other social media your neighborhood uses and also include a contact email for your association.  This will allow others including potential new members to contact you.  Many associations use a generic like “their neighborhood”.  The email stays the same even after an organizational change.

If you have any changes in your neighborhood profile (President, Delegate, Alternate, Website or other neighborhood information) download the 2024 CCNA Membership Form, check “Update” and indicate just the updated information.  Mail or email the form per instructions on the form. 


Important:  Be sure to update your official contact information with the city by using their Neighborhood Association Information Sheet (revised March 2023).  This accuracy of this information is critical in the City’s efforts to notify neighborhoods about workshops, public hearings, development activities, etc.

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