CCNA Positions / Letters

CCNA Board of Directors and/or collectively the CCNA Member Associations will take a position on issues facing our neighborhoods and our community that threatens our mission to Preserve, Protect, and Enhance City Residential Neighborhoods and To Address the Needs of the Neighborhoods and Stand in Support of Those Needs.  Positions may take the form of a Position Statement or a Letter in Support.  Unless otherwise indicated, these positions and letters were delivered to the City Commissioners.


      No pending items at this time




Membership Position:  Commercialization and Privatization of City of Sarasota Parks – April 6, 2024


Board Position: Ordinance 24-5506 Citywide Vacation Rental Registration – December 21, 2023

Board Letter in Support of:  Expansion of the Vacation Rental Ordinance to Inland Sarasota – July 7, 2023

Board Letter in Support of:  DSCA’s Opposition to the Proposed Development at 1260 N. Palm Avenue – June 15, 2023

Board Position:  Quay Development Agreement Amendment – March 4, 2023


EC Position: Bobby Jones Conservation Easement Priority – December 27, 2022

EC Position:  Expediated Timeline for Comp Plan Revisions – August 21, 2022

EC Position:  Comp Plan Height Amendments 22-PA-04 – May 13, 2022

EC Letter in Support of: Wider Sidewalks & Canopy Trees Downtown – May13, 2022

EC Letter in Support of: 22-ZTA-07 Park East Missing Middle Overlay – April 28, 2022

Membership Position: Does Not Support Administrative Review Beyond Downtown – April 12, 2022

Membership Position:   Charter Review Committee Recommendations – Survey Summary – March 28, 2022 

EC Statement in Support of:  “United Against Hate” – February 21, 2022

EC Position: Vote NO on Countywide Commissioner Voting Amendment – February 14, 2022

EC Position:  Support of the Tree Ordinance 21-5369 – February 8, 2022


EC Letter in Support of: Bobby Jones Conservation Easement – December 28, 2021

EC Letter Regarding:  Use of Paul Thorpe Park in a Lawsuit Settlement – December 4, 2021

EC Letter to Sarasota County Commissioners: Voting Disenfranchisement through Redistricting – November 12, 2021

EC Letter Expressing:  Continued Support for The Bay Project – November 11, 2021

EC Position: Separate Definition of Home Sharing and Vacation Rentals – November 11, 2021 

EC Response to City Manager Requested: Criteria for SPD Police Chief Selection – October 6, 2021  

EC Letter in Support of: Ranked Choice Voting Judgment Opportunity – October 4, 2021

Membership Position: Accessory Dwelling Units – June 5, 2021

EC Statement on: Human Resource Issues at City Hall – June 5, 2021

Membership Position: Pending Changes to Parks & Recreation Operations – May 16, 2021

EC Letter to Southwest Florida Water Management District on:  Bobby Jones Grant Appeal– April 28, 2021

EC Letter to Congressman Buchanan: Support Wetland Restoration & Conservation at Bobby Jones – April 20, 2021

Membership Position:  Advisory Boards and Committees Member Volunteers – April 3, 2021. 

EC Chair Letter to Governor DeSantis, cc’d City Commission: Allow City Boards to Meet Virtually – January 26, 2021.


Membership Letter in Support of: Arts and Cultural Alliance for Affordable Housing Effort – November 7, 2020 

Membership Position: Resolution on Arlington Park Neighborhood Plan –  January 4, 2020. 


Membership Resolution: Increase Penalties for Sound Control Violations – June 1, 2019

EC Resolution: Increased Flexibility in Tree Advisory Committee Recommendations – April 17, 2019 


Membership Resolution: Opposing School Avenue Vacation – December 1, 2018

Membership Position: Lido Beach Redevelopment Resolution – September 8, 2018

EC Position: Single Member District Resolution – August 15, 2018

EC Position:  Move The Bay Project Forward Resolution – August 15, 2018

Membership Position:  Zoning Principles Resolution – June 2, 2018



Partially Adopted (See June 5, 2021)  Member Position on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) 

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