Neighborhood Grants & Resources

Neighborhood Grants and additional resources are available from both the City of Sarasota Neighborhood Planner and Sarasota County Neighborhood Services.


City of Sarasota – Neighborhoods  

Neighborhood Association Handbook

Organizing Neighborhood Associations is a handbook for starting and managing successful neighborhood associations, distributed by the City of Sarasota.   The handbook is full of practical suggestions, tips and aids and includes specific items relative to Sarasota.

Map of our Neighborhood Associations and Parks and the link to the interactive City of Sarasota GIS map [must check the Neighborhoods layer on the map].


  • Neighborhood Grant Program

The Neighborhood Partnership Grant Program is designed to assist and strengthen the City of Sarasota neighborhood associations and improve the quality of life within City neighborhoods. Neighborhood Partnership Grants are offered twice per fiscal year Fall and Spring. 

Past Neighborhood Partnership Grants have funded:  Newsletters, Crime Watch, Public Landscape Improvements, Neighborhood Entry Signage, Meeting Signs, Membership Drives, Safety Programs, T-Shirts, Special Events and more.

If your neighborhood association has not participated in the grant program in the past or you have grant related questions, please set up an appointment with Nancy Kelly prior to the submittal deadline.

To obtain an application for the Neighborhood Partnership Grant, please send an email to:

 Community Building Grant Program

The Community Building grant is offered for neighborhood associations to support community gatherings, celebrations or special events.  Eligible funding projects include: supplies, entertainment, printing, food, beverages (excluding alcohol), and permitting fees in conjunction with neighborhood festivals/celebrations.  There is no application deadline for this ongoing program and the maximum amount is $250.00.

To obtain an application for the Community Building Grant, email:


Sarasota County Neighborhood Services

Neighborhood Initiative Grant Program

  • Neighborhood Services offers grants (up to $10,000) to neighborhoods that are willing to match funding through cash, in-kind donations, professional labor or volunteer hours.  Project Ideas and Application Information


  • A list of resources that answer some of the questions most frequently asked by
    neighborhoods (and residents).
  • The Sarasota County Neighborhood Initiative Grant requires attending a mandatory information session.  See our post for more information.

Recent Newsletters

Neighborhood Services in Other Florida Communities

The following Florida Cities all have resources for their City’s neighborhoods that may be useful not only for our neighborhoods but also the City of Sarasota leadership.  

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