Reports & Workflow Charts

From the Development Services Department

  • Weekly Development Application Status – 7/3/2024   (Note: this report is a new format and quite detailed. Upcoming items for both the Planning Board and the City Commission are identified.  All Community Workshops are noted with their status.  A great summary of development throughout the City.

DSCA shared this presentation by Lucia Panica, Director Development Services Department presented at the July 5, 2023, DSCA Board Meeting 

  • Overview of the Development Services Department
  • Highlighted recent changes
  • Development Review Committee
  • Staging Plans
  • Code Compliance
  • Update on One Stop Shop building
Chart presented at CCNA's June 3, 2023 Membership Meeting (click on image)

Development Application Flowcharts

The process of moving an application through the various reviews and approvals in the City can be quite complex.  Development Services has released detailed flowcharts of the Development Applications process making this complex process a little easier to understand.

Chart #1:  Summary of Process for All Development Applications

Chart #2:  Summary of Process for Development Applications Within the Downtown Zone Districts

Chart #3:  Summary of Process for Development Applications Outside of Downtown Zone Districts

Note: the development process is different in Downtown Zone Discticts as a result of “administrative approval”. 


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