CCNA Names its Nominating Committee

Annually the Nominating Committee puts forth a slate of candidates for its Officers and Board of Directors.

At the August 22nd Board Meeting, the Coalition of City Neighborhood Associations President, Richard Harris announced this year’s Nominating Committee.  Named are Jim Ludwig, CCNA 1st Vice President; Melinda Delpech, CCNA Director – District 2; Flo Entler, CCNA Director – District 3; Anna Bryan, Towles Court Neighborhood Association President and Delegate; and Hugh Fiore, St. Armand’s Residents Association Alternate.

The committee will convene for its first meeting by mid-September, select a chairperson and approve a timeline and process of vetting eligible and qualified candidates.  The election will take place at CCNA’s Membership Meeting on December 7, 2024. Those elected will assume office on January 1st.

CCNA’s new bylaws effective March of 2023 introduced 2-year staggered terms. Half of the offices expire at the end of an even-numbered year and the other half at the end of an odd number year. Up for election this year is the positions of President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer and Director – District 2.  Also, due to a resignation, the Secretary was appointed by the Board mid-term so this year’s election will fill that position for the remaining term.

Once the committee gets to work, they will ascertain from each current officer holder their desire to serve another 2-year term.  No existing office is currently termed out.  The committee will also take applications from members wishing to serve on the Board of Directors and in combination come up with a slate to present in December. 

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